BES Families,
Reminder that the PTO Cookie Dough Orders and payments are due tomorrow, Wednesday, March 12.
Tanya S Howbert
Administrative Assistant
Berryton Elementary School

BES Families,
Reminder that the BES PTO is meeting tonight @ 6:30 in our library. We hope to see some new faces!
Tanya S. Howbert
Administrative Assistant
Berryton Elementary School

BES Families Grades K-6th,
Have you met Heart Hero Finn? He’s sharing Finn’s Mission so we can all help kids with special hearts - kids like him! He’s also set a goal to get as many families as possible to learn about heart health and the lifesaving skill of Hands-Only CPR. Complete Finn’s Mission to earn your very own Lifesavers Cape and Students that complete Finn’s Mission will earn an entry for two tickets to Super Bowl LX in 2026 and your school will be entered to
receive a $10,000 fitness equipment makeover for every 18 students
who complete Finn’s Mission.
Tanya S. Howbert
Administrative Assistant
Berryton, Elementary School

BES Families,
Please check out this week's Buffalo Express for lots of important information!
Tanya S. Howbert
Administrative Assistant
Berryton Elementary School

BES Families k-6th Grades;
We had so much fun kicking off this year’s Kids Heart Challenge! Alongside this year’s heart heroes, we’re learning about healthy hearts and life lessons like staying active, asking for help, resting well, and being kind. Bonus: your student will get a free wristband for signing up using the AHA Schools app or using the link below.
Tanya S. Howbert
Administrative Assistant
Berryton Elementary School

BES Families,
Please check out this week's edition of the Buffalo Express! https://shawneeheightsusd450.edurooms.com/engage/berryton-elementary-school/newsletters/buffalo-express-2-28-25
Tanya S. Howbert
Administrative Assistant
Berryton Elementary School

Berryton Families, Grades K-6th,
Hello, Heart Heroes! Are you ready?
The Kids Heart Challenge is coming to our school soon! We have some exciting things planned this year to get us moving, help others, and have a lot of fun! Get a head start by signing up today and helping your student choose a daily health challenge. Visit our school’s website by clicking the link below or download the AHA Schools app!
Tanya S. Howbert
Administrative Assistant
Berryton Elementary School

BES Families,
PTO is looking for your feedback on ways to grow and strengthen membership. Without your feedback we don't know what we need to do to get more involvement.

BES Families,
Here's the latest edition of The Buffalo Express!
Tanya S. Howbert
Administrative Assistant
Berryton Elementary School

After assessing the conditions, we plan to return to school tomorrow. The biggest concern remains the frigid morning temperatures, so please ensure your student is dressed warmly. If you believe the conditions are unsafe for your student to attend, you are welcome to keep them home - be sure to notify the school as you normally would. Thank you for your flexibility and support. Please stay safe and warm; we look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

BES Families,
The BES Valentine's Day class parties have been rescheduled to FRIDAY, February 21st from 3:00-3:30pm.
If you plan to pick up and/or take your child home with you after the parties, and haven't done so already, please fill out the form at the link below, no later than 12:00pm on Thursday, February 20th.
Tanya S. Howbert
Administrative Assistant
Berryton Elementary School

❄️ Another Snow Day! ❄️
Winter strikes again! Due to the weather conditions, there will be no school tomorrow, Wednesday, February 19, 2025. Enjoy the extra day to sleep in, sip hot cocoa, and perfect your snowball-throwing skills. ☃️
Stay safe and stay warm! ❄️

BES Families:
Please check out this new edition of the BES Buffalo Express!
Tanya S. Howbert
Administrative Assistant
Berryton Elementary School

Due to the anticipated winter weather conditions all Shawnee Heights USD 450 schools are cancelled tomorrow, February 12, 2025.
❄️ Parent/Teacher Conferences scheduled for February 12th and 13th will be held virtually. Please watch for a message from your student's school or teacher with links to join your conference. If you are unable to attend virtually, please contact your teacher for alternative arrangements.
Stay safe, stay warm, and we will see students back at school on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. ⛄

BES Families,
Here is the latest edition of the Buffalo Express 2/7/2025!
Tanya S. Howbert
Administrative Assistant
Berryton Elementary School

BES Families:
Berryton PTO is organizing meals for staff during Parent/Teacher Conferences and the PD/CT day 2/18. Please click the sign-up link for information and the opportunity to contribute. We appreciate your support!
Tanya S. Howbert
Administrative Assistant
Berryton Elementary School

The Annual Jr. Thunderettes Dance Clinic and Performance is approaching, and it's not too late to sign up! All Shawnee Heights USD 450 Pre-Kindergarten through 6th Grade students are invited to come dance with the Shawnee Heights Dance Teams at their Annual Jr. Thunderettes Clinic and Performance.
Clinic Date: Sunday, February 16, 2025, from 1:30pm-3:30pm.
Performance Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Arrive at 6:15pm.
For more information and to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf-N0HEGhAKHWd-J-R2vsLcL8Ki9kAzigUdJOwo1EQMlJRkzg/viewform
Questions? Contact Coach Roberta Freeman at freemanr@usd450.net

BES Families,
Here's this week's edition of The Buffalo Express:
Tanya S. Howbert
Administrative Assistant
Berryton Elementary School

BES Families,
Friday, Jan. 31st is the LAST day to order yearbooks. Yearbooks can be purchased at https://www.balfour.com/kansas/berryton/berryton-elementary-school
Tanya S. Howbert
Administrative Assistant
Berryton Elementary School

Berryton Families,
Breakfast with Buffalos RSVP Deadline is TOMORROW, Thursday 1/30- Come enjoy a donut with your Berryton Buffalo! For more details and to RSVP please click here: https://forms.gle/xXgkGFCDHEesajn26
Tanya S. Howbert
Administrative Assistant
Berryton Elementary School