Join us tonight for Site Council & PTO Meetings! Site Council @ 5:45pm Library PTO @ 6:30pm Library All are welcome to attend. We would love to see you there!
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
Charlotte's Web-Chapter 2 Questions
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
2 weeks until Family STEAM Night! Bring the whole family and have a great time learning about STEAM through interactive stations, provided by KCDC!
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
Reading for tonight!
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
Charlotte's Web-Chapter 1 Questions
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
Reading for tonight!
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
Early Childhood & PreSchool Screening this Friday! When: Friday, November 2nd Where: Berryton Elementary
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
5th & 6th Grade Intramurals Session #2 Forms due November 5th!
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
One School, One Book Today we kicked off our OSOB campaign. This campaign promotes families reading together and a love of literacy. We have chosen: Charlotte’s Web for our first book. Families will get the book and a letter with the reading schedule, during their Parent/Teacher conference!
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
Parent/Teacher Conferences this week! Wednesday @ 4-8pm Thursday @ 8am-8pm See you then!
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
Join us tonight at McAlister's for our TN PTO Night Out! When: 5pm-10pm Where: McAlister's Deli 1129 SW Wanamaker What: 20% from each order will come back to the PTO You MUST mention that you are there for the Tecumseh North Night Out See everyone tonight!
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
BOE Meeting tonight @ SHMS! Open to all community members!
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
meeting reminder
See you Tuesday!
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
no school
Friday is about Panther Pride! Wear your TN gear for United Way! Remember each dollar you bring in, is a chance to referee a sumo wresting match between Mrs. Glotzbach and the teacher with the most money!
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
Thursday is Color Wars! Wear your color and represent your grade level for United Way! Remember each dollar you bring in, is a chance to referee a sumo wresting match between Mrs. Glotzbach and the teacher with the most money!
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
Wacky Wednesday! Rock some crazy hair and socks for United Way! Remember each dollar you bring in, is a chance to referee a sumo wresting match between Mrs. Glotzbach and the teacher with the most money!
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
Tuesday is Dress to Impress Day! Wear your best and strut your stuff for United Way! Remember each dollar you bring in, is a chance to referee a sumo wresting match between Mrs. Glotzbach and the teacher with the most money!
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
Monday is Pajama Day! Wear your comfy and cozy pajamas and bring in your money for United Way! Remember each dollar you bring, is a chance to referee a sumo wresting match between Mrs. Glotzbach and the teacher with the most money!
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
Join us tonight for Site Council & PTO Meetings! Site Council @ 5:45pm Library PTO @ 6:30pm Library All are welcome to attend. We would love to see you there!
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary
Early Childhood and PreSchool Screening this Friday! When: Friday, October 5th Where: Tecumseh South
about 6 years ago, Tecumseh North Elementary