Join us tonight for Site Council & PTO Meetings!
Site Council @ 5:45pm Library
PTO @ 6:30pm Library
All are welcome to attend. We would love to see you there!
Charlotte's Web-Chapter 2 Questions
2 weeks until Family STEAM Night!
Bring the whole family and have a great time learning about STEAM through interactive stations, provided by KCDC!
Reading for tonight!
Charlotte's Web-Chapter 1 Questions
Reading for tonight!
Early Childhood & PreSchool Screening this Friday!
When: Friday, November 2nd
Where: Berryton Elementary
5th & 6th Grade Intramurals Session #2
Forms due November 5th!
One School, One Book
Today we kicked off our OSOB campaign. This campaign promotes families reading together and a love of literacy.
We have chosen: Charlotte’s Web for our first book.
Families will get the book and a letter with the reading schedule, during their Parent/Teacher conference!
Parent/Teacher Conferences this week!
Wednesday @ 4-8pm
Thursday @ 8am-8pm
See you then!
Join us tonight at McAlister's for our TN PTO Night Out!
When: 5pm-10pm
Where: McAlister's Deli 1129 SW Wanamaker
What: 20% from each order will come back to the PTO
You MUST mention that you are there for the Tecumseh North Night Out
See everyone tonight!
BOE Meeting tonight @ SHMS!
Open to all community members!
See you Tuesday!
Friday is about Panther Pride!
Wear your TN gear for United Way!
Remember each dollar you bring in, is a chance to referee a sumo wresting match between Mrs. Glotzbach and the teacher with the most money!
Thursday is Color Wars!
Wear your color and represent your grade level for United Way!
Remember each dollar you bring in, is a chance to referee a sumo wresting match between Mrs. Glotzbach and the teacher with the most money!
Wacky Wednesday!
Rock some crazy hair and socks for United Way!
Remember each dollar you bring in, is a chance to referee a sumo wresting match between Mrs. Glotzbach and the teacher with the most money!
Tuesday is Dress to Impress Day!
Wear your best and strut your stuff for United Way!
Remember each dollar you bring in, is a chance to referee a sumo wresting match between Mrs. Glotzbach and the teacher with the most money!
Monday is Pajama Day!
Wear your comfy and cozy pajamas and bring in your money for United Way!
Remember each dollar you bring, is a chance to referee a sumo wresting match between Mrs. Glotzbach and the teacher with the most money!
Join us tonight for Site Council & PTO Meetings!
Site Council @ 5:45pm Library
PTO @ 6:30pm Library
All are welcome to attend. We would love to see you there!
Early Childhood and PreSchool Screening this Friday!
When: Friday, October 5th
Where: Tecumseh South