Stopit Solutions
Link to STOPit reporting site:
Access code: SOUTH
STOPit is a platform that our district has adopted in order to deter, mitigate, and manage bullying, cyberbullying, and other harmful or inappropriate behavior. Use the STOPit mobile app to anonymously report incidents to your school. Reporting is completely anonymous. You can include text, images, or video. It only takes a few seconds.
Report incidents such as:
Cyberbullying or cyber abuse
Violence, threats, or weapons possession
Alcohol or drug-related issues
Ethics violations such as cheating or plagiarism
Download STOPit for free from iTunes or Google Play or go straight to the STOPit website to report.
Bullying will not be tolerated at Tecumseh South
Our school-wide definition of bullying is as follows:
Bullying is a repeated behavior, over and over, intended to cause harm, distress, or the outcome of the behavior is harming or distressing, where there is a power or perceived power imbalance between two or more individuals.
School-wide rules against bullying:
We will not bully others.
We will try to help students who are bullied.
We will make it a point to include students who are easily left out.
When we know somebody is being bullied, we will report it.
A Rubric of Consequences for Peer-to-Peer Bullying Behavior has been outlined.