Activities & Clubs
Policies & Procedures
TS is a Schoolwide Title I school. Title I is a federal program that provides financial assistance to local educational agencies for the education of children of low-income families. The intent of these funds is to provide services above the normal scope of interventions. TS uses these funds specifically to increase our capacity to engage students in meaningful work and apply their skills and knowledge at a deeper level. Along with additional funding come requirements that we are obligated to meet. Among them are School-Home Compacts, A Parent Involvement Policy, Parental Rights, and a variety of regulations related to teacher and school quality we meet.
If you have questions about our Title I program or services, please feel free to contact Principal Scott Dial @ 379-5950.
State Building Report Cards
Reports can be found at the link below from KSDE. On the left-hand menu under district schools, click in the Building Report card link. If you do not have internet access and would like to review Tecumseh North's report card, call the office (379-5910) and request a copy of the report card. We will be happy to send it home with your child. The complete card is twelve pages, so online is the most cost-effective way to review the Building Report Card.
Student State Assessment Scores
Parents may view their student's State Assessment scores at any time. Please call the school office (379-5950) to make an appointment. A staff member will gladly share the results with you. We typically have the results back before school is out for the year.
No Child Left Behind
Part of the "No Child Left Behind" federal guidelines includes notifying all parents that they have the right to request and receive timely information on the professional qualifications of their children's classroom teacher. The information that can be provided includes:
1) met qualifying and licensing criteria,
2) if they have an emergency or provisional status,
3) their degree major, and
4) whether your child is receiving services by a paraprofessional.
Anyone wanting any of this information may receive it by calling Scott Dial, Principal, at 379-5950.