Community Opportunities - Flyers

USD 450 permits the distribution of flyers by various organizations on a nondiscriminatory basis regarding matters of potential interest to students and parents. USD 450 neither sponsors nor endorses any organization or activity represented in such flyers, and any particular activity, content, or viewpoint set forth in any flyer is solely that of the organization shown.

If you are a business or organization that would like to publish your flyer, please review our Flyer Procedure and Guidelines and contact Tiffanie Kinsch at

Resource Fair


KEEP provides qualified parents and guardians with a $1000 award per child to pay for a variety of goods and services that promote learning recovery and facilitate academic enrichment opportunities. The money can be used for tutoring, camps, and even school supplies. To learn more about qualifications and guidelines for your parents, guardians, and foster parents, go here: KEEP Note: this applies to K12 students in public, private, and registered home schools.